2024-2025 EVYS Policies

Our mission is to encourage and inspire young musicians in the East Valley by providing an uplifting and challenging orchestral experience under the guidance of skilled conductors and supportive parents.

I. Rehearsals – starting Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday evenings at Benjamin Franklin High School (BFHS)

• 4:45 – 6:15pm Preparatory Winds, Concert Orchestra, & Chamber Orchestra
• 6:30 – 8:30pm Symphony Orchestra

II. Tuition

The tuition fee for the season, August 2024 to May 2025, is $325 for each of the Preparatory Winds, Concert Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra groups, and $375 for Symphony Orchestra. All tuition fees are non-refundable.

Payment may be made using one of the following methods:

• Pay cash or check to East Valley Youth Symphony
• Pay online using Venmo (@EVYS-Symphony)
• Pay through PayPal in the Account & Pay Portal using Visa/Mastercard
• Payment installments are available
• Scholarship opportunities are available and are need based
For more information about payment installments and scholarship opportunities, please Contact our Treasurer

III. Eligibility

All student musicians who are able to perform the minimum audition requirements as stated on the Audition Request & Requirements Page are eligible to audition to become a member of EVYS. EVYS members are required to participate in a school band or orchestra program, if offered by their school. EVYS members should obtain the signature of the school band or orchestra conductor on the School Participation Letter to verify student participation at school and to give consent for participation in EVYS. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis.

If a school does not offer band or orchestra class, a school official may sign the release form indicating no program is available. If a student is attending homeschool or online school, a parent or private teacher may sign to give consent for participation in EVYS.

IV. Auditions

All eligible applicants will be auditioned by a fair and qualified adjudicator. Orchestra placement will be determined by each member’s EVYS audition performance.

At the discretion of the conductor and the EVYS Board, additional placement auditions may be scheduled throughout the season. In rare circumstances, and by invitation only, adjustments may be made following the first concert.

Seating will be at the discretion of the conductor of each ensemble for musical and educational reasons. There will be periodic skills and proficiency playing tests for each concert throughout the season, and seating may be adjusted following these. Materials for the skills tests will be announced in advance at rehearsal. Members absent for chair auditions or skills tests may forfeit their current ranking in their section.

Exceptions for missed chair auditions or skills tests due to school concerts may be arranged prior to audition or test date. Late chair auditions will only be given under circumstances deemed excusable by the Board of Directors or conductors. The conductors reserve the right to schedule additional chair auditions or skills tests without notice, so musicians should be prepared.

V. Attendance

In order to maintain a high standard of performance, it is the policy of the EVYS Board that each member of EVYS attend as many rehearsals and concerts as possible.

Participation in EVYS is voluntary. Parent and student signature of the EVYS Waive, Release, and Assumption of Risk Form is mandatory prior to participation. Absences due to a health situation, a school concert, family emergency or illness will be excused. We do request that participants let their conductor know and complete an absence notice online in a timely manner. Absences are to be reported through the absence request form on the EVYS website.

Punctuality is of great importance. Musicians are requested to be in their seats with their music out and their instruments tuned at the rehearsal start time. If a member has reoccurring absences or tardies without absence notices, a skills test or change in chair position may result.

VI. Specials – Fall Retreat and Play-A-Thon

• EVYS offers two Saturday events that provide additional rehearsal for the groups to prepare for upcoming concerts. The Saturday events are mandatory rehearsals. In addition to the traditional rehearsals, the Fall Retreat and Play-A-Thon include sectional instruction with Community Musicians that will provide instruction for specific instruments (i.e. violin, viola, cello, bass, winds, etc.). The two Saturday events also include activities to form improved teamwork and EVYS will provide food through the day.
• The Play-A-Thon Event is the main fundraising event for the organization. We expect each student to fundraise even if they are not able to attend the Play-A-Thon. The expectation is that each student will raise at least $200. There are prizes for students based on their fundraising.

VII. Rehearsal and Concert Rules

• EVYS members commit to respect the property of rehearsal and concert facilities (i.e., no leaning on music stands, tilting back on chairs, or pushing chair racks into the wall).
• No food is allowed in the building or rehearsal room, only water. No sharing of food or water items is allowed.
• Instruments need to be protected. EVYS members commit to not play or touch anyone else’s instrument.
• EVYS musicians are expected to be courteous and respectful to conductors, EVYS parent volunteers, and Benjamin Franklin High School facility and employees.
• No cell phone usage is allowed during rehearsals or concerts. Text messaging is specifically for emergencies only.
• EVYS musicians are expected to be punctual and seated early for rehearsals, performances, and after breaks.
• Musicians should always plan to bring their personal copy of music in the EVYS music folder and their own pencil.
• Music should only be marked with light pencil markings; no use of ink or colored pencils to mark EVYS music! Music must be returned at the specified time. Lost music will incur a replacement fee.

VIII. Concert Conduct

Part of the EVYS experience is to learn proper concert etiquette as both a musician and an audience member. During performances, we respect and support fellow musicians by turning off electronic devices and remaining quietly seated until the end of the concert after all EVYS orchestras have performed. In the event that anyone must enter or exit the performance hall during a concert, proper etiquette is to wait until the music stops to quietly enter or exit.

IX. Concert Attire

In order to provide an atmosphere of professionalism and excellence the following attire will be required for concerts:

All girls: Black, closed-toe dress shoes with heels no higher than 2 inches and black nylons or tights (no bare legs or feet allowed). Girls may choose from the following:

• Long, black, ankle-length skirt (no denim or high slits); long-sleeved black blouse (no showing cleavage; must cover elbows; no T-shirts)
• Dressy, long, straight-legged black slacks (no denim); long-sleeved black blouse (no showing cleavage; must cover elbows; no T-shirts)
NOTE – leggings are not appropriate attire
• Long black dresses (no denim or slits) – 3/4 sleeve or long sleeve preferred/p>

All boys: Black dress slacks (no denim); long-sleeved black button-up dress shirt (tucked in); black long tie, black shoes, black socks and black belt.

Preparatory Winds, Concert & Chamber Orchestras: No Jacket
Symphony Orchestra: Black Tuxedo Jacket (no tails)

Concert dress will need to be approved on October 28, 2024, when there will be a “concert dress” check and group photos taken during rehearsal. Any inappropriate and unapproved concert attire will not be allowed on the stage during a concert. Contact the Board if you would like to access our gently used concert attire donation box or have extra concert attire to donate.

X. Parental Support and Volunteer Opportunities

Music is the universal language, and it is our desire to facilitate the learning of that important language in our society. We believe that can be best accomplished by providing a nurturing environment of supportive parents, families, teachers, and community.

EVYS is run by parent volunteers. In order to accomplish the goals of EVYS, we count on all parents to participate and volunteer. It is necessary for the success of the program. Each family is asked to commit service time by signing the EVYS Parent Volunteer Form/SignUpGenius for at least one practice or event per semester – a total of two volunteer opportunities.
A $25 fee per semester per family will be assessed if parents are unable to or do not volunteer.

If parents or family members have additional talents (such as fundraising, photography, musical skills) or ways to give back to EVYS (such as food donations to specials), please reach out to a Board member!

XI. Additional Information

EVYS member photos or videos may be taken occasionally and published in EVYS related publications such as brochures, newspaper articles, social media, or on our website at www.evysaz.org.
Please see the Media Release Form.

EVYS does not provide insurance for musical instruments. Members are responsible for providing their own insurance against damage or theft as they may deem necessary.